What you'll find here: a little bit of This and a whole lot of That. I always have something to say about so much and I always have things I'd like to share. So here it is, my own little cluster.

Where do I begin?? In the past many times I "played" around with web pages, doing small journals, tutorials, and well, whatever I felt like doing at that time. It's basically been a hobby and everything I've done has been self taught so very imperfect but, like with many other projects I've attempted before, became something that I just "up and quit". Well, here I go again. This time has been different though. I've started this thing with organization first, so that I don't run into the frustation of my usual chaotic mess which is usually what causes my discouragement in the first place. The ever evolving web making it much easier than in days gone by.

Why a blog you may ask? Blogs are easier to manage and update than web pages, and the most formats are automatic (although I have already been "tweaking" to get the outcome I want). This is only my opinion, and I'm sure that many in this world who are alot more tech savvy than myself would agree to argue, but everyone is unique and has their own preferences for several reasons.

This is not the only reason I chose to blog. I want to be one of few to bring the blog back (if only for my use) to it's origin, in sorts. Now-a-days, after looking at many blogs and researching new articles and tutorials on the subject, everyone recommends finding your one niche and blog about that. When the blog first originated it was intended to be used as an "online journal". Posting about whatever you feel like at that moment, not just one topic. So this is where I'm kinda goin' back to the basics. Here you will find a little bit of everything, only difference from days gone by is, I have sorted my blogs, they won't be all mixed but listed under different topics, so that way you'll be directed to only the things you may be interested in reading.

So here it is, welcome to my chaos! Just browse the tab section, hopefully some of the topics will peak your interest. But beware, I've only just started this, so there's still lots left to do, and as I go I'm sure I'll find ways to "tweak" what has been done! Hmmm maybe I'll start a Tutorial Blog too to share tips and tricks I've found =)